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Friday, October 4, 2013

Cock-a-Doodle Danged Rooster

I am settled in at the Green River Stables RV Park.  I've worked a couple 5 hours shifts at Amazon and am a little sore and a lot tired.  I try to stay away unjil at least 1 am since in 2 weeks I'll have to be up till 3 am.  
Let me tell you about the Rooster. The place I'm staying not only has horses, it has a loud, obnoxious rooster that travels with 2 red feathered hens. The other morning, at 7:30 he crowed right under my window. So, I get up, grab my broom at head out into the morning to shoo chickens. It was raining but I still shoo'd them away. They went 2 trailers over and continued to peck and crow under a 5th wheel. I took all I could of that and again went to shoo them further away. I was whispering - shoo and get gone and other things to them (whispering because a lot of my neighbors work nights and were asleep). So, the hens and rooster went out into the pasture. I figured they were far enough away and wouldn't bother me again. (I was wrong) And then the horses notice me and started walking up to me, so I decided that I couldn't look any more foolish to stand in the rain petting the horses than I could whispering at chickens while chasing them with a broom.

They came back once today. I got after them with a long stick and they never returned.

The RV park owners know they have a lot of day sleepers. This rooster replaces another that died recently. It too had the reputation for crowing near the campers.

Tomorrow, if the rooster wakes me, I will go look at the 5 other approved parks and possibly consider moving. I'm a very light sleeper and when I start 10 hour days, do not want some danged rooster crowing under my window.