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Thursday, May 30, 2013

An Indian Conversation

Native American's are not known to be big conversationalists.  Some would say there's no way that is a cultural phenomenon.

When in the company of others, whether its just one person or many, I won't make conversation for the sake of talking.  Matter of fact, if I do, then its usually a nervous response to being in an uncomfortable situation.  To me, sitting quietly with friends is just as much communing with them as talking.  It shows I'm comfortable in their presence.

Why bring this up?  Last evening around the campfire at Karen's she and another friend talked for hours about all sorts of things.  I said little to nothing, just listening and enjoying the fire.  And, while it wasn't unpleasant (if it was I would have left the area) it made me wonder just why I choose not to join in.  I'm sure by now they know I'm not ignoring them or tuning them out.  They didn't try to draw me in.  I guess they too felt comfortable with my choice to sit quietly. 

There is a magazine devoted to Native American traditions and crafts called Whispering Wind.  It usually has a carton in each issue.  In one issue there is a cartoon where an indian couple welcomes another couple into their home.  Several frames go by without anyone saying anything then we see  the visiting couple leaving and the hosts saying "come again - we enjoyed your visit".  Typical Indian visit.

So if I sit by a campfire, around your kitchen table or ride in a car with you - and there's not much talking going on - its just how I am.  (Either that or I am just wishing you'd STFU!  lol)

Peace, Love and Quiet Communication

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Last night I had a wonderful dream about the younger of my two brothers that passed away 9 years ago.  I haven't dreamed about Danny in quite some time, maybe over a year.  It was so good to be near him.

Many times, now that its been so long since either of my brothers has passed away I see them in dreams but not their faces - they're more like an embodiment of themselves.  The last dream I had of Bobby, the older of the 2 brothers I only saw his legs as we were walking and talking together.  I knew it was him, but did not see his face.

I was so very glad to see Danny's face.  I can't explain how touched I was by this.  I have memories of them.  I can recall how they looked years ago, and I can look at pictures, but to be able to sit and look into his face was moving.  I'm tearing up now remembering the dream.

Peace, Love and dreams of the very best kind.

Bleeding money

I am sooooo very tired of spending money to support this new lifestyle.  Golly is it expensive!!!!!

But, now I think I finally have all I need.  And, when I list it, you'll probably say I have too much.  But this is a one time shot - if I don't get what I need now then I may have trouble affording it later.

Thanks to my friend Leonard, I have Solar, 1500 watt inverter,  second coach battery, dorm fridge for the van

I bought a 2k watt inverter/generator for those times when I don't have enough sunshine to charge the batteries via solar, or when I need to start/run something that the solar/batteries aren't strong enough to power.

Of course the travel trailer has a heater, stove, microwave, fridge, shower (verrrry important), toilet (ditto) and bed.

The van has portable heater, fan, porta john, bed, fridge.

I am leaving the solar portable so I can take it with me on short trips in the van or use it at the trailer when camped in the boonies.  I'll also do this with the generator, just depending on which I need to have along.

I have 2 laptops and a cell phone.  I can work and play (when near wifi hotspot).

I really think, except for water needs, I would be able to camp for 2 weeks without restocking.  I guess I need to buy a couple of those 5 gallon water jugs to cart along so I won't run out. (OK now the water jugs will be my last purchase!!!) Plus, using water to shower in the trailer is a whole new learning curve.  I'm used to taking being frugal with water when washing up, even showering, in my van, but the oh so wonderful shower in the trailer is a water waster.  I just have to get a grip on how best to conserve water.  It will be a lesson well learned. 

Monday, May 27, 2013


My friend Leonard went on a cruise to Cozumel and came home with several different bottles of tequila. 

He handed me 3 and told me to take my pick. 




he wouldn't let me test drive each one, so I had to guess which one was the honey and which one was the peach.  I guessed right - that honey tequila is AWESOME!!!!  

Good golly - I enjoy honey bourbon but honey tequila?  YEAH!!!!!

Thanks, my friend. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Precious is

I've spent the last 4 days at my friend Karen's camp at Coosawatee River Resort in Jo-Juh.  A very nice, quiet, serene place.  I'll probably spend a few more days here and my friend Robert and I might go to the Tumbling Creek Campground in TN for a few days.

Robert Clark from Florida came by yesterday and I spent today with him visiting another friend, changing my oil and oil filter and working on a little electrical problem with my trailer.

I wish we had someone at where my trailer is parked to take pics as Robert and I crawled underneath my van  so he could show me how to change the filter and oil.  There is one picture floating around with me and leonard's legs sticking out out from under the side of the van when he was showing me how to change the transmission fluid and filter.   It would have been neat to have one with me and Robert as well.

Robert has a little 2 1/2 lb teacup chihuahua named Precious.  I don't really like that breed of dog.  But this little girls is a heart stealer.  We stopped by a drive through restaurant and almost all the workers came to the window and oohed and ahhed over her.  All I can say about her is...Precious is 

Friday, May 24, 2013

The dark ages

By choice, I will soon be losing my iPhone number and its resulting internet access.

I can be reached by email at

This may hurt just a bit (as the saying goes)...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Beautiful Drive

On Monday I drove from Sedalia, MO to Leslie, MO to drop a WWOOFer off at his next farm gig.  It was a lovely drive down a good 2 lane highway.  My new buddy - Brandon is a 26 year old Hippy.  Interested in world causes, the environment and social justice.  Reminds me or me at that age.  Here at age 57, I'm more of a "Been There, Done That, Now its Your Turn" kind of a gal.  I still care, just not as ferverently as I did at age 26.

I then continued on down the road, past St. Louis to sleep in a Rest Area on Highway 24. 

On Tuesday I visited a friend in Woodbury, TN and spent the night there parked next to the sweetest smelling honeysuckle vines.  I left Woodbury on Wednesday morning heading somewhere - not at that point in time sure where.

I decided, since I was having electrical problems to get a portable generator at Camping World south of Chattanooga, TN.  I bought it, but cringe at the thought of all those hundreds of dollars spent.  BUT, I need power.  Once I have power I can get on with writing tutorials and lessons and get my online craft instruction business jump started.

I then drove towards Ellijay GA.  I took the scenic route, along route 52 from Dalton to Ellijay which went up a mountain and down the other side.  The drive was lovely and I would highly recommend it. There were some pull off points that gave a very impressive view of the surrounding hills and valleys.  At the top of the mountain was the Fort Mountain State Park.  It was already 6pm so I didn't enter since it closes at 10pm and I wanted to be off the mountain before it got dark.

I decided to call my friend Karen the next day (today) and parked for the night at Lowes.  And, who pulls up?  Karen!  We'll have more time to visit today.

So, now here it is already Thursday and I'm about to attempt to start a portable generator to get my battery on the trailer charged.  I guess having a portable generator is a good thing.  It will always get me going, even on days of no sun, as opposed to solar.  So I just have to bite the bullet and open the box and start it up.

(Sigh)  I have got to quit spending money.  Surely there's not anything else I need to buy for this full timing in a camper adventure...right?

Peace, Love and Access to Power

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Now What

Well, I'm sitting at the most beautiful homestead in Tennessee.  My friend Robert has been doing some work here and I stopped by to say hi and spend the night.  I camped near the tree line that was full of Honeysuckle vines, that when the rain fell on them, made their fragrance even more aromatic.  It was a good night, even with the storms.

Now what....where am I going to go next.  I have about 10 days to do something with and several choices.  The typical - no where to go and all the time to get there - problem.

Peace, Love and Honeysuckle Vines (don't they make a honeysuckle wine?  I bet that would be good)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Rv Education 101

Well, experience is the best teacher and I am learning lots about RV ownership.I've already made so many mistakes but have learned from them.  (at least I hope I have).

I'll be leaving for Brasstown, North Carolina via Leslie MO and Woodbury Tn and maybe Tumbling Creek Campground at Copper Hill, TN on Tuesday the 21st.  It will be good to get on the road again, but I will so miss this place and the people here.

I'll be back here in August.  The family I'm staying with does a lot with the State Fair held here in Sedalia, MO and I told them I'd come help out and enjoy the festivals with them.

Then, on the 25th of August I'm due to be in West Liberty, KY to help Habitat for Humanity build Geothermal Houses.

Peace, Love and Livin the Dream

Friday, May 17, 2013

Worth the weight?

Last year I lost about 45 pounds.  Since then I've been, at time, obsessive about the rest I need to lose.  And about not gaining any of it back. 

Now that I'm traveling full time in an 18' Travel Trailer, I find that everything (including me) that goes in the van costs money to move down the road.  This has caused me to give away another tub and a half of things I just couldn't live without, in a effort to lighten the load.

So weight is very important to me.

One thing I really wasn't sure whether to take or not was the scale.  Do I really need to pay to move something around that tells me I need to lose weight?  Isn't that understood?  Not only for personal reasons but to save gas.

Ultimately I brought the scale. 

I'm so vain!!! 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Master Gardener

I'm visiting a friend at the . Annie is a Master Gardener with the state of Missouri. 

She asked me the other day if I liked to plant flowers.  No, I say.  You would have thought I'd slapped her!!!!  Then she said - well, how do you feel about pulling weeds OUT of the ground?  That I can do, I say and we spent some pleasant time taking things out and putting things in the ground.

Today, however, we were in her garden and she was planting vegetables.  I'd pulled all the weeds I could see, so I begrudgingly started to help her.  And what happens?  I broke a nail off up in the quick.

Ha!!!!  I swear that's the last time I plant anything and the last time I accompany her to the garden.  No really, I love this place so much.  I love the Albrights and the multitude of animals and pets here.  I have cut all my fingernails off short in anticipation of more gardening. 

It is a nice place to be.

Peace, Love and the love of Gardening

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Thank you Meriwether and William

On this date in 1804, the Lewis and Clark expedition leaves St. Louis, Missouri, on a mission to explore the Northwest from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean.
The expedition traveled up the Missouri River in a 55-foot long keelboat and two smaller boats.

On September 23, 1806, after almost two and a half years, the expedition returned to the city, bringing back a wealth of information about the largely unexplored region, as well as valuable U.S. claims to Oregon Territory.

Now that's what I call a slow mosey!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Back in Pawhuska

I came back to Pawhuska to pare down my possessions a little more in preparation for traveling with my trailer.

I still plan to sleep in the van because I want the security of being able to get in the drivers seat with a moments notice if scared (bears and other predators).  I also plan to convert the bed area of the trailer to storage and a work area. 

I pick up my trailer on Tuesday.  Tick Tock.   Tick Tock. So glad when I wont be waiting for things to happen or change.  

I have a traveling companion now. I'll introduce you in my next post.

Peace, Love and Rain, Rain go away....

Friday, May 3, 2013

My home on wheels

Today I signed a contract on a 2013 Jayyco Swift SLX 185RB travel trailer. I'd debated and researched whether to buy a new or used trailer or a cargo trailer that I would convert. This has been something I have researched many times.

But this morning while talking with a friend I realized that my new better life should start today and no longer wait

I had looked at trailers several weeks prior and went back to a camper sales store for another look. My salesman, Don had another customer and instead of making me wait' gave me the keys and said to help myself.

I preferred to shop that way and took my time and videos of the few trailers I was considering.

I made an offer and they accepted it and I pick up my new home on wheels next Tuesday.


Thursday, May 2, 2013


Today is the first day of the rest of my life.   

Corny but true.

I just closed on the house sell and am free to go where ever I want when I want.

I've never felt so lost in all my life.  

Onward I go. :-)