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Thursday, May 30, 2013

An Indian Conversation

Native American's are not known to be big conversationalists.  Some would say there's no way that is a cultural phenomenon.

When in the company of others, whether its just one person or many, I won't make conversation for the sake of talking.  Matter of fact, if I do, then its usually a nervous response to being in an uncomfortable situation.  To me, sitting quietly with friends is just as much communing with them as talking.  It shows I'm comfortable in their presence.

Why bring this up?  Last evening around the campfire at Karen's she and another friend talked for hours about all sorts of things.  I said little to nothing, just listening and enjoying the fire.  And, while it wasn't unpleasant (if it was I would have left the area) it made me wonder just why I choose not to join in.  I'm sure by now they know I'm not ignoring them or tuning them out.  They didn't try to draw me in.  I guess they too felt comfortable with my choice to sit quietly. 

There is a magazine devoted to Native American traditions and crafts called Whispering Wind.  It usually has a carton in each issue.  In one issue there is a cartoon where an indian couple welcomes another couple into their home.  Several frames go by without anyone saying anything then we see  the visiting couple leaving and the hosts saying "come again - we enjoyed your visit".  Typical Indian visit.

So if I sit by a campfire, around your kitchen table or ride in a car with you - and there's not much talking going on - its just how I am.  (Either that or I am just wishing you'd STFU!  lol)

Peace, Love and Quiet Communication

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