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Monday, March 28, 2016

Oh! Honey!

I love drinking tea.  Whether it's hot or cold, I LOVE tea!

As I was about to add honey to my cup of Nettle Tea this morning,  i started thinking about whether honey kept it's nutritional value when it's added to hot tea.  Seems I had heard heat makes it nutritionaless.

So after searching on Google, I went to the Livingsoft website and found out that most commercially produced honey has been pasteurized and there for most of its nutritional value is gone by the time it gets to the consumer.

OK,  so the honey that says it's pasteurized (heated to 145 F) still tastes like honey, but...

So, now I just have to be sure and buy locally harvested honey being sure to ask if it has been pasteurized or not.

I really don't mind little bee bits and pieces of, well, organic matter in my honey, cause after all isn't honey just super tasty bee spit?

Now I'm off to find some local honey...

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