Several years ago when the iPhone 4 was coming out, I got a sweet deal for my daughter and I on iPhone 3gs for $99. I bought us both one and we were happy for many years (me and the phone. My daughter and I are still happy as well!!!) Anyway, a couple years ago my iPhone just died. No warning. It wouldn't turn on, it wouldn't charge - nothing - nada - zip.
After a brief period of mourning - because I didn't download the photos and video's from it, I bought another cheap phone from Wal Mart and life continued on.
A little while after that, my daughter bought a new iPhone and gave her old one to her daughter. Here was my chance to get an iPhone back. I traded my granddaughter her crappy old iPhone 3gs for a bright shiney new Android one. She was happy, and I was too.
(lots of happiness in this blog - huh?)
Well, here, a year or so later my second hand iPhone starts acting up and not wanting to hold a charge, so I ordered a battery replacement from Amazon thinking I would replace the battery in my original iPhone (why was I keeping a dead phone - I should have gotten rid of it long ago) before putting it in the working iPhone. Anyway, I plugged the dead phone to the charger and lo and behold the danged thing came on. There was my old iPhone with photo's and video's and apps from long ago. I was one happy girl.
A couple years ago I had recorded my friend Bob Kuhn singing several of his original songs and put them on YouTube. I couldn't post any song he didn't write himself, and on this phone was our friend, Annie's favorite and my all time favorite song - Let it Be by the Beetles.
So, here it is 1:30am (I really need to get to sleep), and I've just listened to Bob sing Let it Be.
So, now, my friends. I truly am one happy girl.
Good night.
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