Well, my book, 3 Drop - Even Count - Bead Weaving Gourd Stitch Technique that I've sold for the past several years on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords and a few other places has been revised, edited, enhanced and updated.
I've taken a good book and added graphics and 12 easy to follow patterns. So not only can you learn this amazing Native American Bead Weaving Technique, you can use the book to actually MAKE something with it.
I must admit, the Gourd Stitch is a hard concept to learn. It doesn't make sense, it seems like there should be an easier way to get from A to B, but really, once the light bulb comes one and you "Get It" you'll want to bead around everything that doesn't move.
Matter of face, Butch McIntosh, the Creek Indian guy that taught me, beaded everything included the antenna on his car! I haven't gone quite that far, but if you get the book and make something awesome, send me a message and a pic.
(The sales pitch is now over)
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