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Monday, November 10, 2014

The Walking Dead aka Miss Congeniality

Seems like the older I'm getting, the less crap I'm willing to take from others.   Some of you that know me well, would probably wonder if this is something new, because, really, I've never been one to just sit back and take it.  Right?

Anyway, last year at Amazon, my friends and I talked about this cute young blond that we nicknamed the walking dead because if you were a female and said hello to her she would just look right through you and not even acknowlege your greeting.  My friends and I wondered if she had such a sad/bad home life that she just couldn't cope and carried her misery with her everywhere.  We truly felt sorry for her.

And then, one day, my friend Peggy and I saw her talking to a guy.  And this girl was animated, smiled, engaging.  We figured females were not her chosen conversation partners and then renamed her Miss Congeniality.  It was amazing.

Tonight, as I was walking to break, my sweatshirt jacket fell off my bag (it was looped through the handles).  I went the extra few steps to put my scanner in a storage bin until after break, figuring I'd pick up the jacket in just a few moments.  Along comes Miss C.  And She Steps ON My Jacket.  Its not like its easy to miss.  Red, Sweatshirt Jacket.

So, I said, "Really, you just stepped on my jacket?" and in her cute little blonde sing-songie voice she said "Sorrryyy".

I guess I should feel lucky she actually apologized.  LOL. 


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