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Thursday, September 13, 2012
Rambling on
Started listing items on Etsy that I took off when I had surgery. I'm glad I put all the written text in a word document and kept the photos. I've already sold a few patterns and haven't even begun to relist them all.
Went to supper with a good friend. My goodness I'm gonna miss her. She's always there for me when I need a friend. Its hard to find that kind of love and caring.
I'll have lunch with another very good friend on the 29th. I'm gonna miss him too. And to think I did NOT like him the first time we met. Now I couldn't imagine life without him in it. Life sure is funny sometimes.
My arthritis is really bad today, from 2 days of heavy lifting and moving things. I didn't sleep much last night either. I've got to get a handle on this not sleeping - because its just wearing me out.
Its finally cool and raining here. Thank goodness.
peace love and lovin the sound and smell of a slow, steady rain
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
I'm exhausted
Slept very little last night - have been like a monkey on crack. Have made significant progress on my house project. Looking forward to getting some sleep...even if it does require chemical intervention. peace, love and progressing more every day
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
A speckled chick
Had a wild hair to try the new skin lotion that had self tanning stuff in it. I actually put it on one of my feet, under where the sandal straps are, since that area is lighter than the rest of my legs/feet. And lo and behold it works. The only thing I should have done was be sure it was blended completely, I have dark brown spots and streaks on my foot. Now we'll see how long it takes for the color to fade.
I worked on making reflectix shades for the windows in the van. Of the 7 windows and I have 5 done, and boy does it make a difference!!! Those windows coverings will stay on all the time, and I'll make some for the front side windows that I can quickly remove.
peace, love and keeping cool in the van
Monday, September 10, 2012
Gotta love Oklahoma polices
Yep, I said polices. My across the street neighbor, Billy, called and said some guy just walked between my house and garage. He asked if I knew him, I walked outside and asked him why he walked there and he said he just walked down the hill like it was a normal thing to do. Anyway, Billy (a one man neighborhood watch patrol) called the cops and being that I live in Osage County, Oklahoma, we are protected by a Native American Police force and a Non-Native Police Force. For those of you that aren't familiar with how this works, since Osage county is technically an Osage Indian Reservation, the Native Police can arrest Natives and non-Natives, anywhere, any time. The Non-Native Police Force can only arrest non-natives in certain places (not on original allotee land or tribal grounds). Confused yet? So, anyway, when we call the cops both the Native and White Police will send an officer because you never know which one will have or take jurisdiction. Ok, so Billy, took a picture of the guy and while we were waiting for the cops to come around we went and talked to my neighbors to the north and they said this guy was standing at their back door a couple times last week and that he roams in the middle of the night. The Indian cop knew who he was and since he was native, went up to talk to him and told him not to be roaming near houses or even in the middle of the night. They stopped and told me and Billy that he does have a drug problem and to call them if needed, but that for the next several nights they would be sure and patrol this area. Now, I live in podunk Oklahoma, only about 2500 people. This area has always been safe, I hardly ever lock my doors and always leave the key in the van. But, now I guess a societal misfit will make me start locking things up. Geesh, I need to move to a safer town. Well, maybe not, not every citizen can have two police forces protecting them. peace, love and gotta love living on a Native American Reservation
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Nice weather and dead mice
Today is a pretty nice, much cooler day than this past week's 100+ degrees. Its supposed to be in the 90s the next week, but that's still better than 106.
Wonder where all the dead mice are. When ever I leave on a trip, I lay out mouse poison and when I come home there is usually at least one dead mouse in the house - and I usually find it when least expected, which by now you'd think I'd expect to find it. For those that know me well, you know dead animals are my phobia. I can deal with parts, Turkey tails, Eagle wings, Otter hides, but not a whole dead animal. Even little dead mice send me into hysteria. Think I'm exaggerating? Ask my daughter. The only way I can dispose of the little buggers is to call her for reinforcement and encouragement. It usually takes me a good 15 minutes and entails crying, shrieking and cussing. I usually have to throw something on top of it and then try to sweep it up and throw it away. I blame my two brothers for this phobia - surely one or both of them teased me as a child. People say to confront your fears head on and get over it - not me and dead animals. Anyway, I haven't found one dead mouse so far, and believe me I've looked. Now that I've written this I'll probably find several. If you hear a commotion coming from Oklahoma, you know the cause. peace love and the absence of dead animals.
Friday, September 7, 2012
I've really been on a bend the last few days wanting to get the van winterized. So yesterday morning I took every thing out and removed some of the wood "accents". In truth these accents are just added weight that I have to pay to move down the highway so they're not gonna be put back once I have the insulation done. Today I removed all the screws and stuff on one wall section so I could peek behind it to see what kind of insulation there is or isn't (there isn't any). I then took some measurements and have begun to plan how the van will be laid out. I'm pretty sure that I've got it all down and if the weather would cool off I could work longer on it. I've also realized there are some things I don't have the knowledge or skill to do, so I'll ask my friend in Georgia to help when I get there around the 2nd or 3rd of October. That is, if he's not to busy working on this big ole school bus, soon to be RV! I've also begun another big purge at the houses, laying excess stuff by the street for people to come take, throwing lots of stuff away, getting donation boxes ready and packing the bins that I'll take with me. After two longish trips, I now know what I need daily/weekly and what is good to have along, but that doesn't need to be inside. peace, love and moving forward
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Organics substances
Its true - I eat not only to stay alive, but to ease boredome, lonliness, depression. For this past week, I've been flirting with going down to the next lower "10" on the scale teetering within 3 pounds, reaching into it, but not firmly enough to stay there. And again, Food is just an organic substance. Its not my friend, its not my lover or my confidant. It can keep me alive but it can't fix any problems I have. I have been struggling with all three emotions this past week, but its up to me how I cope. I realize that I've slipped back into the old habit of seeking comfort from food. And this morning, I remind myself that its my choice on how to cope (and overcome). peace, love and the ability to choose your own reality
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Crunchy eggs
Just finished eating a delicious breakfast. One I call crunchy eggs. Its got, onion, bell pepper, ham, usually mushrooms, garlic and any other veggies I have available. I cook the veggies and ham then stir in 2 scrambled eggs. After the eggs are done, I lay on a half slice of american cheese. Ummmmmm Delicious crunchy eggs. Until recently I would not eat eggs unless they were part of another dish. But, eggs have protein, are better for me than pancakaes and so, I have accepted that even though I don't like eggs, they're good for me. But, one thing I won't back down on, is they have to be as dry as possible. No light and fluffy eggs, so runny yellows or whites. Why did I bring up the eggs? Because I cannot eat them without thinking of a good friend, Bob. See Bob stayed with me for a month or so earlier this year and he DID NOT like my crunchy eggs. Every once in a while, when I woke later than him, he'd fix me breakfast of yukky eggs. He's scramble the eggs, adding milk to them before cooking, then lay on a whole slice of cheese. The result was a gloppy, sloppy, yukky scrambled egg concoction. I'd eat them as a courtesy (truth be known I'd slip them to his dog, Malcolm). On my last trip from Georgia back to Oklahoma in August, I stopped by to see Bob in Missouri where he is currently living. I really enjoyed seeing my friend and hearing him play his guitar and sing. The next morning at breakfast he asked if I still liked crunchy eggs. Yes, I said, and he reminded me he did not like them. I wonder if eating an egg reminds him of me. peace, love and all the little things that bring up good memories.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Same ole....
The previous post was on the 27th of August. This one is the 2nd of September. Why? Because its been the same ole, same ole for the past week. Work, work, work on getting things made, sorted, thrown out, given away, etc.
I've committed to teaching every weekend of September, but sure wish I hadn't done that. But everything happens as it should so this is giving me time to work and hopefully be able to leave here on the 1st of October with no loose ends, and no reason to return. But more importantly, hopefully with a pocket full of cash because I've sold the houses.
peace, love and more of the same
Monday, August 27, 2012
Did I just say that?
Ok, y'all know I'm not religious. I have my beliefs but they are not in organized religion. So sitting on my porch swing just a swangin this morning a group of church people pull up, get out with bibles in hand and head for several houses near by. One guy headed my way and I said....."you really won't be too happy if you come here"....he just chuckled and said OK wished me a good day and turned around. Geesh, I've never been able to get rid of the bible thumpers as quickly as today. OK, I'm sure I could have been more pleasant or worded it better, but y'all know I'm missing the filter between my brain and mouth and usually say what I'm thinking. peace, love and honoring your own belief system.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
The beginning of the end
Good morning, Last night I sold my 1997 Camry. Mom bought it new and its been a very good car so far. I'm glad I'm good friends with its new owner. I was also surprisingly sad to see it go. I went to supper with the friend that bought the car and we went to a cafe that has a very good reputation and that we like to go to. But last night's meal was horrible. We both sent ours back. We'd ordered the catfish and it came in a bunch of little battered bits of fish. The last time I ordered it, the catfish was a fillet. The girl said the bits was the only way they ever sold the catfish and that they cut the filets up and battered them before cooking. (Why?????) We both disagreed that it was how they've always sold it, but asked if they couldn't just cook us 2 filets instead. So another 20 minutes later out comes the catfish. We had to ask for our "sides" which had been sitting for 20 minutes under a heat lamp. We had to ask for lemon. We had to ask for tartar sauce. We had to ask for the bread. We ate the fish but it was no where near worth the $8.99 it cost. Sorry folks, but I didn't feel the need to tip the little girl that was argumentative and had to be asked to deliver each part of our meal. Geesh. If it was the first time we had eaten there I would never go back, but I know it to be a good cafe so I'll give it another go. I just won't order the fish. Now for a couple things that have been bothering me. First, I heard second hand that someone I know made a derogatory remark about a friend and while I didn't hear it myself, knowing the person that said it, I don't doubt it happened. So, I wonder if I should mention it or just let it pass. My friend will probably find out just how the hater feels about them without my help. But, if I could steer them clear of the hater, then would I be doing my friend a favor? I'll ponder it some more. Today I thought of a question about something on the van and my first thought was to ask my friend about it. But, then, I can't always turn to him for answers (plus he's probably tired of my endless questions by now) I've decided to try and find the answer on my own. And why wouldn't I want to find the research the answer? Because I'm an Instant gratification kind of girl and find it much easier to ask someone that knows instead of taking time to find out myself. I guess you could also list me as a Lazy Instant Gratification kind of girl!!!! peace, love and letting go of the past.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Playing Catch-Up
Well, for some reason I forgot to post anything on Wednesday and Thursday even though I had been at the Library and had internet access. Bad Donna!!
Let's see, Wednesday, Well, I worked on a Shawl Strip order for Mary at Sharps Indian Store and started going through some boxes of stuff to throw away or give away. My new plan is to empty the houses and list them along with a bajillion photos on Craigslist and hopefully sell them before the end of September.
Thursday: The same as Wednesday plus I went to supper with my friend Jinx.
Today, Friday: Well, same as Wednesday, so far. Geesh this is boring, now I know why it didn't cross my mind to post anything. It is starting to sprinkle and we have a slight chance of storms this weekend. This is very welcome news here. My lawn hasn't been mowed in 2 months because it hasn't grown because of the heat the lack of water. peace, love and rain falling in drought stricken Oklahoma
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
First Step
Good morning. I wonder if anyone actually reads this or if I'm just typing to myself. Regardless, this morning I left Bob and Malcom in Missouri and headed home. It was a painful departure because Bob and I have an especially close friendship. After playing and singing the other night around a campfire (gosh I was in heaven!) he and I sat and talked until 1 a.m. He said something to me that was like a light bulb being turned on. He asked me - why is it so important to sell the houses. My answer was because it closed a very painful chapter of my life and because I wanted to get on the road full time. Then he said...Donna, that pain and those memories will still be with you after you sell the houses. Dang - he was right! So, this morning, I'm heading home and will spend some time healing from the losses and will not make any decisions until I can think of Oklahoma without feeling lost and alone. Because I have spent the last 20 year taking care of people and making sure their grief was bearable, I have never actually grieved for myself. I've been on hold for 20 years and now, I just need to take care of me.
So this slow mosey has taken a different turn. Its no longer about finding the next place to camp or visit, but about finding me.
peace, love and a the enjoyment of a very rough bridge in Kansas City that made the van bounce up and down, WHEEEEE!!!.
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Good, The Bad, The Smelly
Here I sit under a very large oak tree on a piece of land owned by a couple that operates their farm as a WWOOF farm My friend Bob is here working in exchange for room and board for himself and Malcolm. Both are doing well and seem to like it here. I'm not sure how long this will last for them, they've been here 2 months now and the woman, Annie kind of talked to me about her need for her and her husband to decide on a date that Bob's commitment here should end. I'm really torn by this news because I know Bob would like to stay here but also because I cannot take him with me. I wonder where he will go after this. But, I'm barely able to care for myself much less them too. I've looked online and found some free campsites between here and home and may make a slow mosey that direction. Its still too warm for me to want to go home, though finances will make that a necessity very, very soon. Thank goodness Mary at Sharps Indian Store will buy any thing I take to her and she has ordered some Osage Shawl Strips and a woman's Fingerwoven belt. Plus my friend Jamie with the NoWeTa Cherokee Cultural Club asked me to teach some classes and Jo Don with the Owasso JOM program would like me to teach as well. Bob played his guitar for me, Annie and her son Chris and 2 other WWOOFers last night. He played very well and strong and I really enjoyed hearing him again. After everyone went inside, he and I sat around the campfire and talked until 1 a.m. He brought up several things that made me question my future plans. I still don't know what those plans are. I wish I did. Will someone please tell me what to do???? lol Anyway, I think I'll head out tomorrow. I'm parked in back of Annies house under the same aforementioned tree but unfortunately there is a hog farm across the road to the West. And we all know that the wind primarily blows from West to East here, so the aroma of hog poop is pervasive. Last night I slept with my windows down in the van and went to sleep under my wool Indian blanket that smelled like campfire and woke up to the stench of hog. Lesson learned was to close the windows before heading off to sleep. peace, love and big ole oak trees :-)
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Back on the road again
I left Ellijay, Ga and some good friends yesterday, heading home, via the long route. I stopped in a charming little town called Bell Buckle . One little street (actually just one side of a street) full of cutsey boutiques and antique shops. Bell Buckle sure knows how to promote its self. It was about 8 miles off the highway, but you were so glad to be there you didn't mind getting off the beaten path.
If you're ever near there you should stop and visit.
I will be visiting with a very good friend this afternoon. One that can heal my bruised ego and hurt feelings. A friend that from the very start made our future relationship very clear. One that I can trust what he says is true. One that will always be my friend. Its gonna be so good to see him.
Friday, August 17, 2012
I believe myself to be kind, honest, giving, loving and fair. The only way I can believe these things is to BE these things.
Regardless of what life throws at me, I will not act contrary to my beliefs.
Life is good. Life is not always fair. Its up to me to step up or fall down.
I'll have a good meal and conversation with 3 friends this evening. I'll start my slow mosey home in the morning. Wish me good gas mileage!!!! lol
peace, love and morals
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Fun Times
Spent last evening with 2 friends and a couple bottles of wine. Another friend is coming up from Marietta tomorrow night and I'll stay to visit with him as well, then start my slow mosey back towards Oklahoma on Saturday.
I'm getting anxious to get on the road. I hear it calling my name.....
peace, love and good friends
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
How could I have let this happen
I've been without internet for several days, and I don't feel like posting about every day, so just suffice it to say that those days were spent with good friends, good food and generally feeling good about the future.
Until this morning when someone I thought might turn into a romantic relationship decided he just wants to be friends.
I'm disappointed in myself for letting my guard down. I knew better. I didn't realize (remember) just how hard this would be to deal with. But, as I like to say "lesson learned". And, I'm sure this will be a lesson I'll remember for quite a while.
I'll be heading home to Oklahoma soon. I'll blog along the way.
peace, love and hand me the mortar and trowel, I've got a wall to build
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Is this the life I want?
Sitting in a campground in Georgia where my friend is the host. Its quiet and beautiful and she says I can stay here through August. There hasn't been a single person camping her since last weekend. Its a private campground in a gated development so you have to know someone to be able to camp here.
As long as I have internet and cell phone coverage I guess its a good place to be.
But what happened to my traveling/exploring ideas? I guess I'll just consider them on the back burner this month - maybe next month I'll get out and explore more.
peace, love and solitude
Monday, August 6, 2012
Gimme my money!!!
I was going to go to Hickey Gap, but stopped at the Library and after checking my checking account, found that someone was using my ATM number and spending my money.
But all is good - bank is returning money and reversing charges. They're issuing a new card and it should be here in a week.
I'm staying at Karen's spot at Fish Trap Camp in Ellijay and she says I can stay here until the first of the month when my friend Leonard will be arriving from Texas.
So, until then - I'll be chillin with my girlfriend, talking about men, and generally having a good time. and friends
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Hickey Gap
Well, I checked the weather in Oklahoma and cannot convince myself to head there just yet. Am trying to find some vanning friends to meet me for some primitive camping.
I'm heading to Hickey Gap, GA and will write again when I'm back in civilization (within cell phone coverage).
peace, love and cooler weather
Friday, August 3, 2012
On my way again
Hooray - the car repair place called and the van is fixed.
And, the school refunded the monies paid them.
And, the guy took $65 dollars off for payment with cash (still all of my paycheck plus some - grrrr)
And, I'm going to head to Tumbling Creek for a night or two. I've GOT to decompress!!! I'm thinking buying a bottle of Tequila for tonight is a verrryyy good idea.
peace, love and travelin on!!!
Campbell Folk School
Well, my class is over and I'm now preparing to take a couple classes this week. My van won't be ready until mid-week so I'm fortunate that people here at the Folk School have made it possible for me to stay through next week.
And, thanks to my students - they made a very generous and unselfish donation to my car repair fund - I didn't whine and complain - kept my problems well concealed - they just wanted to help. I couldn't help but cry. What a loving and unselfish act.
So, I've had a busy week and am now able to rest up a little.
peace, love and gratitude
Thursday, August 2, 2012
New Tag Line
Good morning all
I have decided to add a new tag line to my blogs.
It will be the words peace, love and ........
After the word love I will list something that makes me happy, smile, or just want to share something that you might also like.
so today, my tag line is
peace, love and don't lose sight of the goal, even when you get a little side tracked by life
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Well, my car does need the Transmission completely redone and it will cost as much as I was afraid it would.
I'm not a happy camper but trying to keep a smile on my face...
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Good Morning...
At least I slept better last night - went to bed about 8:30pm and thanks to my little blue and white capsule (Tamazapam) I slept until 5:30 am.
It rained over night and I have to walk up/down this long tree covered driveway from my housing to the main school buildings. The forest smelled soooo good this morning. I passed by some fragrant bush that made me stop and just enjoy its aroma for a while. So far this is a very good morning. Hope your's goes as well.
It rained over night and I have to walk up/down this long tree covered driveway from my housing to the main school buildings. The forest smelled soooo good this morning. I passed by some fragrant bush that made me stop and just enjoy its aroma for a while. So far this is a very good morning. Hope your's goes as well.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Double Trannny
Today at noon, I followed a man into the school office. I needed to look up a local repair shop I'd been recommended and as I was standing behind him he said....."My transmission is bad, do you know where I can get it fixed" I laughed (he didn't appreciate the coincidence at first) and told the lady at the desk that I too had transmission problems. We both drive vans. Him a Ford and me a Chevy.
Anyway...long story short, he and I drove our vans to the repair shop following an school employee who then gave us a ride back to school.
I haven't heard from the shop yet about the problem or cost. So it will be quite an anxious night.
I just hope I didn't leave some critical personal or class item in the van, cause there's no way to retrieve it now.
Wish me luck.
Anyway...long story short, he and I drove our vans to the repair shop following an school employee who then gave us a ride back to school.
I haven't heard from the shop yet about the problem or cost. So it will be quite an anxious night.
I just hope I didn't leave some critical personal or class item in the van, cause there's no way to retrieve it now.
Wish me luck.
Good mornin from Campbell Folk School!
Did I mention before that I love this place?
Last night was my first night of teaching. Its essentially a meet and greet with the students after supper. We go to the Studio and visit and then the students start to think about what project they want to make.
I have one older (meaning realllllly older) gentleman whose hands shake so bad I'm afraid to let him use the rotary cutter. When I ask him what he wants to do he says - what ever you want me to do. He's evidentaly been married for a very long time. lol He's so cute - but scary with sharp cutting tools.
I talked so much in class last night that I ended up with barely a whisper. This morning my voice is cracking so I'll probably lose my voice completely, again.
Oh, and the older gentleman can't hear very well. I have to talk directly at him, and it doesn't help that I can barely get a sound out. Its a comedy, me trying to talk loud enough for him to hear, him leaning closer and closer to me and my voice getting weaker and weaker. It really is quite funny.
Did I mention that I love this place? I really, really do!
peace and love and courage to you all.....
Last night was my first night of teaching. Its essentially a meet and greet with the students after supper. We go to the Studio and visit and then the students start to think about what project they want to make.
I have one older (meaning realllllly older) gentleman whose hands shake so bad I'm afraid to let him use the rotary cutter. When I ask him what he wants to do he says - what ever you want me to do. He's evidentaly been married for a very long time. lol He's so cute - but scary with sharp cutting tools.
I talked so much in class last night that I ended up with barely a whisper. This morning my voice is cracking so I'll probably lose my voice completely, again.
Oh, and the older gentleman can't hear very well. I have to talk directly at him, and it doesn't help that I can barely get a sound out. Its a comedy, me trying to talk loud enough for him to hear, him leaning closer and closer to me and my voice getting weaker and weaker. It really is quite funny.
Did I mention that I love this place? I really, really do!
peace and love and courage to you all.....
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Laryngitis Again??!!!
For the last 3 days I've been able to talk a little then I lose my voice. Have I been given an allotment of words I can speak each day and when they're used up I lose my voice?
I don't have a sore throat or a fever.
Surgeon did say there was some nerve damage but she didn't think it would affect my speaking.
Its been happening more and more lately.
Hmmmm, wonder what's going on....
I don't have a sore throat or a fever.
Surgeon did say there was some nerve damage but she didn't think it would affect my speaking.
Its been happening more and more lately.
Hmmmm, wonder what's going on....
Damsel in Distress
Good morning, all
I'm sitting in a lovely old building with wood plank paneling, soft overstuffed furniture and Books, books and more books.
I didn't sleep much last night - just couldn't let the day go, I guess.
But, I have decided that I will get the van fixed here in Murphy, NC. If it takes over a week, then my friends, the Kekahbah's in Pawhuska have relatives here that I might can stay with. I guess getting the tranny fixed here is just about as risky as any place else.
I've also decided I'm going to head back to Oklahoma after its fixed.
This living poorly is my choice. I have complete freedom and don't worry about not being able to go here or do that.
I have grown in that I'm not only unafraid to drive cross country by myself and sleep in rest areas, but I'm also getting over my uneasiness of being alone in a deserted campground. That's a big step forward.
I've met the most amazing people and have experienced extraordinary events and places that being stuck in a sticks and bricks house wouldn't afford me.
A week or so back I wrote my friend about helping me with renovating my van - adding solar, insulating it better, taking out the carpet, etc. He so politely informed me that he was not a Knight in Shining Armour out to save a Damsel in Distress, but that he would tell me how to do it and maybe even help a little.
That kind of shocked me for a few minutes, but then I realized that he had indeed done a good deed. It reminded me that I'm the captain of my own ship and solely responsible for my happiness and safety.
Reality Checked!!!! (Thanks my friend!)
I was really looking forward to meeting up with him in GA in early September, but I guess that will have to wait as well.
I need to get the houses sold so I can return to this life I love so much. (Short selling the houses as is sounds so very good right now)
Hmmm, let me see if I can remember a few lines from a song ... I am woman, I will survive!
I'm sitting in a lovely old building with wood plank paneling, soft overstuffed furniture and Books, books and more books.
I didn't sleep much last night - just couldn't let the day go, I guess.
But, I have decided that I will get the van fixed here in Murphy, NC. If it takes over a week, then my friends, the Kekahbah's in Pawhuska have relatives here that I might can stay with. I guess getting the tranny fixed here is just about as risky as any place else.
I've also decided I'm going to head back to Oklahoma after its fixed.
This living poorly is my choice. I have complete freedom and don't worry about not being able to go here or do that.
I have grown in that I'm not only unafraid to drive cross country by myself and sleep in rest areas, but I'm also getting over my uneasiness of being alone in a deserted campground. That's a big step forward.
I've met the most amazing people and have experienced extraordinary events and places that being stuck in a sticks and bricks house wouldn't afford me.
A week or so back I wrote my friend about helping me with renovating my van - adding solar, insulating it better, taking out the carpet, etc. He so politely informed me that he was not a Knight in Shining Armour out to save a Damsel in Distress, but that he would tell me how to do it and maybe even help a little.
That kind of shocked me for a few minutes, but then I realized that he had indeed done a good deed. It reminded me that I'm the captain of my own ship and solely responsible for my happiness and safety.
Reality Checked!!!! (Thanks my friend!)
I was really looking forward to meeting up with him in GA in early September, but I guess that will have to wait as well.
I need to get the houses sold so I can return to this life I love so much. (Short selling the houses as is sounds so very good right now)
Hmmm, let me see if I can remember a few lines from a song ... I am woman, I will survive!
Wolf Gap Campground
On Friday morning, after a good nights sleep at Hawk Campground, I headed towards Wolf Gap campground. I had originally planned on spending another day at Hawk, but had to find a post office, so away I went.
I actually went to Strasburg, VA, a very charming town full of antique malls and flea markets. This is a town I would really like to spend several days in.
I then drove south to Woodstock, VA. Even though this wasn't the site of the 1969 Woodstock music festival, it makes me think about that iconic event. I was still just a kid in school, so I didn't attend the Festival, but in my Hippie Days of the 1970s it was talked about a lot.
Then over towards Wolf Gap I went. But I got lost and asked a nice man mowing his yard for directions. He was so cute. He said go down this road 2 or 3 miles and when you see Mike Orendorfs mailbox, turn left. I traveled that road 2 or 3 miles and never did see a mailbox with Mikes name on it, but found the correct turn off none the less.
I traveled straight up the mountain, on a paved road to the campground. Again I was the only one there, except for some day users. The camping pads weren't very good, and no one could park a trailer or fifth wheel on them. The only place big enough for a bus (Leonard) or larger trailer was at a large parking lot just inside the campground.
I actually heard wolves (?) howling. It was awesome.
I spent most of the day there, but didn't enjoy the vibe and about dark I decided to head on towards Brasstown.
I ended up spending the night at a rest stop along I-81.
The top photo shows the Day Use parking area where I was gonna spend the night. Its big enough for a fifth wheel or bus.
The bottom photo shows how deep the parking pads are. My tail end is almost in the road. The greens are pretty though - huh?
The story continues with the next mornings adventure.....
I actually went to Strasburg, VA, a very charming town full of antique malls and flea markets. This is a town I would really like to spend several days in.
I then drove south to Woodstock, VA. Even though this wasn't the site of the 1969 Woodstock music festival, it makes me think about that iconic event. I was still just a kid in school, so I didn't attend the Festival, but in my Hippie Days of the 1970s it was talked about a lot.
Then over towards Wolf Gap I went. But I got lost and asked a nice man mowing his yard for directions. He was so cute. He said go down this road 2 or 3 miles and when you see Mike Orendorfs mailbox, turn left. I traveled that road 2 or 3 miles and never did see a mailbox with Mikes name on it, but found the correct turn off none the less.
I traveled straight up the mountain, on a paved road to the campground. Again I was the only one there, except for some day users. The camping pads weren't very good, and no one could park a trailer or fifth wheel on them. The only place big enough for a bus (Leonard) or larger trailer was at a large parking lot just inside the campground.
I actually heard wolves (?) howling. It was awesome.
I spent most of the day there, but didn't enjoy the vibe and about dark I decided to head on towards Brasstown.
I ended up spending the night at a rest stop along I-81.
The bottom photo shows how deep the parking pads are. My tail end is almost in the road. The greens are pretty though - huh?
The story continues with the next mornings adventure.....
Hawk Campground, WV
This is a post about my journey from my daughter's house to Brasstown, NC. Since I haven't had internet access for several days, I'll catch you up on those travels now.
On Thursday the 26th I left my daughter's home in Winfield, MD on my way to Hawk campground (Federal Forest Campground). I was so anxious to get on the road because I had been delayed 3 days trying to finish up a Native American Dance Regalia order. I should have spent a few more minutes checking the actual driving directions before I left her home but I'd seen them several times already and thought I knew the way..
As it was I ended up East of Winchester, VA trying to get the directions on my iphone but it was trying to send me a direction I hadn't seen before, so I thought that I'd check the website and even though I was able to pull up the website, their advertisement about their new RV dumps website was in the way and I couldn't get the info I needed to put into
So, I called my friend and he helped me by sending the direction to my phone. (Thank you my friend!!!)
It was at that point that I really wished I had a map or book to give directions!!! Technology was of no help, except when I was able to call my friend and he was able to help me.
I ended up getting to the Hawk campground about 5pm. I was the only one there and I'm still trying to get over the uneasiness of being along in a big ole forest. About dusk another single lady arrived and camped a few spaces down from mine. She left early the next morning so I don't know if she was in a tent or using her Prius as an RV like my friend, Suanne Carlson does.
I slept well, few mosquitoes, an overall good camping event. The road was well maintained gravel, all 17 miles of it. Yeppers, it was 17 miles from the nearest paved road. But its a logging road so its pretty well maintained for the loggers.
The top photo shows the fire ring.
The bottom photo shows how wide the sites are, plus look at the gorgeous greens in those trees!!!.
On Thursday the 26th I left my daughter's home in Winfield, MD on my way to Hawk campground (Federal Forest Campground). I was so anxious to get on the road because I had been delayed 3 days trying to finish up a Native American Dance Regalia order. I should have spent a few more minutes checking the actual driving directions before I left her home but I'd seen them several times already and thought I knew the way..
As it was I ended up East of Winchester, VA trying to get the directions on my iphone but it was trying to send me a direction I hadn't seen before, so I thought that I'd check the website and even though I was able to pull up the website, their advertisement about their new RV dumps website was in the way and I couldn't get the info I needed to put into
So, I called my friend and he helped me by sending the direction to my phone. (Thank you my friend!!!)
It was at that point that I really wished I had a map or book to give directions!!! Technology was of no help, except when I was able to call my friend and he was able to help me.
I ended up getting to the Hawk campground about 5pm. I was the only one there and I'm still trying to get over the uneasiness of being along in a big ole forest. About dusk another single lady arrived and camped a few spaces down from mine. She left early the next morning so I don't know if she was in a tent or using her Prius as an RV like my friend, Suanne Carlson does.
I slept well, few mosquitoes, an overall good camping event. The road was well maintained gravel, all 17 miles of it. Yeppers, it was 17 miles from the nearest paved road. But its a logging road so its pretty well maintained for the loggers.
The top photo shows the fire ring.
The bottom photo shows how wide the sites are, plus look at the gorgeous greens in those trees!!!.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
I'n HOME!!!!
Here it is Saturday, I left Wal Marts parking lot pretty early and found a shade tree in a shopping center parking lot. I stayed there until the sun moved and I was no longer shaded.
I think my Indian name should be "Moves with the Sun" lol.
Then this evening about 5pm I went to Campbell's and got my keys to the studio and found out my room location. I'm glad they let me check in early, since the actual check in time is 3pm on Sunday. But since I'm from so far away they make an exception.
I am sitting here at Davidson Hall listening to wonderful Contra dance music and watching the dancers twirl and swirl and stomp. I am at home and feeling much better.
I look forward to teaching and not worrying so much for the next 5 days. I parked the van next to my housing where I could drive forward. Except for driving to the Studio tomorrow to finish unloading the van, I will park the van and let it sit for 5 days.
Except for a few things I want to attend in October, there's really no reason for me not to go home and work on the houses. Except that I won't have the money to come back to Georgia until probably Spring time next year.
I think my Indian name should be "Moves with the Sun" lol.
Then this evening about 5pm I went to Campbell's and got my keys to the studio and found out my room location. I'm glad they let me check in early, since the actual check in time is 3pm on Sunday. But since I'm from so far away they make an exception.
I am sitting here at Davidson Hall listening to wonderful Contra dance music and watching the dancers twirl and swirl and stomp. I am at home and feeling much better.
I look forward to teaching and not worrying so much for the next 5 days. I parked the van next to my housing where I could drive forward. Except for driving to the Studio tomorrow to finish unloading the van, I will park the van and let it sit for 5 days.
Except for a few things I want to attend in October, there's really no reason for me not to go home and work on the houses. Except that I won't have the money to come back to Georgia until probably Spring time next year.
Oh, what a day!
OK, I now realize that I have my days/dates wrong on the previous posts - geesh. So everything I said happened on Thursday, move it up to Wednesday. So here we go on Friday morning.
Some of y'all might know I'm having problems with my reverse gear. I usually only park in spaces on an incline so I can coast backwards or park where I can drive forward.After I left the rest stop, the van would not shift out of second gear or go over 45 miles per hour. CRAP! Now I was having problems with the forward gears!
So there I was, 70 mph speed limit and I was going 45 - emergency flashers flashing. I figured I was about 450 miles from Brasstown, and at 45 mph I could make it in 10 hours. All I wanted was to get to Brasstown then put the van in the shop while I was teaching.
I pulled off at the first McDonalds I could find to use their wifi. I looked up the rates for AAA and saw that with their premier service you could actually get towed up to 200 miles to the location of your choice. I calculated that Johnson City, TN was about 200 miles from Brasstown, so I just hoped to get to Johnson City. Triple AAA will sign you up for coverage and let you use it the same day, so I knew that if the van quit all together at some point AAA would be there to help me.
I again got back on the highway but this time the on ramp ended on a decline in the highway, so, gravity being what it is, the van actually was coasting at almost 60 miles per hour. I pressed the gas pedal and sure enough the car kept on going in overdrive. This taught me that I only had to be sure not to stop unless the on ramp led to a decline on the highway.
I didn't have many problems to Johnson City, or actually to Brasstown. There were a few times it wouldn't shift up from Drive to Overdrive or felt/sounded like the transmission was slipping. But, I actually got to Brasstown. YAY!!! (My daddy must be shaking his head and laughing - he used to say "Poor people have poor ways" and I think I was proving that!
I spent the night at Wal Mart in Murphy, NC. I looked for a repair shop but none were open on Saturday morning. Then I thought if I could get the van to Jasper, GA I could stay at Leonard's place while the van was being fixed, then if the went over a week, I wouldn't be stranded in Brasstown.
Plus, there's a highly rated mechanic in Jasper (according to Yelp) and if there are problems, I can always go back there while its being fixed.
Whew - that's an awful lot of money to spend on fixing the van, but necessary. I may be asking people "do you want fries with that" in order to keep me afloat for a while. Or I need to go back to Okie homa and work on the houses and get them listed for sale. So again, decisions....decisions....
Times like this make me miss my family.
Some of y'all might know I'm having problems with my reverse gear. I usually only park in spaces on an incline so I can coast backwards or park where I can drive forward.After I left the rest stop, the van would not shift out of second gear or go over 45 miles per hour. CRAP! Now I was having problems with the forward gears!
So there I was, 70 mph speed limit and I was going 45 - emergency flashers flashing. I figured I was about 450 miles from Brasstown, and at 45 mph I could make it in 10 hours. All I wanted was to get to Brasstown then put the van in the shop while I was teaching.
I pulled off at the first McDonalds I could find to use their wifi. I looked up the rates for AAA and saw that with their premier service you could actually get towed up to 200 miles to the location of your choice. I calculated that Johnson City, TN was about 200 miles from Brasstown, so I just hoped to get to Johnson City. Triple AAA will sign you up for coverage and let you use it the same day, so I knew that if the van quit all together at some point AAA would be there to help me.
I again got back on the highway but this time the on ramp ended on a decline in the highway, so, gravity being what it is, the van actually was coasting at almost 60 miles per hour. I pressed the gas pedal and sure enough the car kept on going in overdrive. This taught me that I only had to be sure not to stop unless the on ramp led to a decline on the highway.
I didn't have many problems to Johnson City, or actually to Brasstown. There were a few times it wouldn't shift up from Drive to Overdrive or felt/sounded like the transmission was slipping. But, I actually got to Brasstown. YAY!!! (My daddy must be shaking his head and laughing - he used to say "Poor people have poor ways" and I think I was proving that!
I spent the night at Wal Mart in Murphy, NC. I looked for a repair shop but none were open on Saturday morning. Then I thought if I could get the van to Jasper, GA I could stay at Leonard's place while the van was being fixed, then if the went over a week, I wouldn't be stranded in Brasstown.
Plus, there's a highly rated mechanic in Jasper (according to Yelp) and if there are problems, I can always go back there while its being fixed.
Whew - that's an awful lot of money to spend on fixing the van, but necessary. I may be asking people "do you want fries with that" in order to keep me afloat for a while. Or I need to go back to Okie homa and work on the houses and get them listed for sale. So again, decisions....decisions....
Times like this make me miss my family.
Never ending Native American Regalia sewing
Good morning, America!!!
This morning I hope to finish a regalia making order that needs to be sent to Oklahoma this week. Then hopefully I'll head over towards Hawk campground in WV for a few days before continuing onto Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC.
After my week of teaching at Campbell I'll then be completely free to roam. But, where to roam?
Some ideas are:
My good friend, Leonard, has offered me access to his warehouse in Jasper, GA while he's finishing up work in TX. Once he's free to roam (the end of August) he's gonna remodel a 64 passanger school bus into a rolling RV/Workshop. Leonard has the same wandering spirit as me and the biggest difference between us is he plans on traveling and staying in RV parks and I plan on traveling and staying for free on Federal lands (USDA, Forests, etc).
Habitat for Humanity
Other volunteering positions
What to do? What to do?
This morning I hope to finish a regalia making order that needs to be sent to Oklahoma this week. Then hopefully I'll head over towards Hawk campground in WV for a few days before continuing onto Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC.
After my week of teaching at Campbell I'll then be completely free to roam. But, where to roam?
Some ideas are:
My good friend, Leonard, has offered me access to his warehouse in Jasper, GA while he's finishing up work in TX. Once he's free to roam (the end of August) he's gonna remodel a 64 passanger school bus into a rolling RV/Workshop. Leonard has the same wandering spirit as me and the biggest difference between us is he plans on traveling and staying in RV parks and I plan on traveling and staying for free on Federal lands (USDA, Forests, etc).
Habitat for Humanity
Other volunteering positions
What to do? What to do?
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
I'm still in Winfield, MD finishing up a regalia order. Geesh this is taking forever.
Anyway - I plan on leaving here early tomorrow morning and even if I don't have the entire order completed, I'm at a point that I can work on it while camping.
I need to mail it out no later than Thursday.
But I'm just so anxious to get on the road!!!!
Anyway - I plan on leaving here early tomorrow morning and even if I don't have the entire order completed, I'm at a point that I can work on it while camping.
I need to mail it out no later than Thursday.
But I'm just so anxious to get on the road!!!!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Sunday, July 22
Today is my daughters 32nd Birthday. We went to Piney Run Park and had a picnic with some of her husbands family and some of their friends. The middle granddaughter turned 4 on Friday and we celebrated her birthday as well.
It was a great day. It was overcast because it had been raining for the past few days and it thundered a few times but it never rained.
There were no major melt downs among the kids and we had plenty of yummy food.
Happy Birthday Karen and Sara!!!
Today is my daughters 32nd Birthday. We went to Piney Run Park and had a picnic with some of her husbands family and some of their friends. The middle granddaughter turned 4 on Friday and we celebrated her birthday as well.
It was a great day. It was overcast because it had been raining for the past few days and it thundered a few times but it never rained.
There were no major melt downs among the kids and we had plenty of yummy food.
Happy Birthday Karen and Sara!!!
Am I really that old?
Slow Mosey 2012 - I'm a Senior Citizen (in some cases) Now Give Me My Discount!!!!
The info listed below is taken from various websites. Be sure to contact each business personally to verify a discount. Not all locations of national chains participate. And, never forget to ask in every store you visit. If you find a discount not listed here - email me and I'll add it to the list.
According to the Labor Department report, "those over age 55... spend more than $160 a month eating out. A host of local restaurants offer senior discounts..." This is good news for older adults.
Restaurants often offer senior citizens specials at certain times of the day (such as an “early bird” discount), but there are also special deals about which few senior are aware. Fast food restaurants also offer bargain prices on certain items that can add up to big money-savers over time. Here are some discounts seniors have found.
Call or ask in advance at any restaurant to check individual policies. It is difficult to find any information on corporate websites, as many chain restaurants make their own policies.
National Restaurants that offer Senior Discounts
Other retailers that offer discounts: This website lets you put in your local city and see what discounts are offered along with the restaurants contact information and a map. It even lists restaurants that have been contacted and don't offer discounts. There are many pages of restaurants that haven't been contacted yet so no information is available - but at least you can get the restaurants contact info and can call yourself. If you do find a discount on one of the "not yet contacted" paghes, be sure and send sciddy an email with the info. Yay!
The info listed below is taken from various websites. Be sure to contact each business personally to verify a discount. Not all locations of national chains participate. And, never forget to ask in every store you visit. If you find a discount not listed here - email me and I'll add it to the list.
According to the Labor Department report, "those over age 55... spend more than $160 a month eating out. A host of local restaurants offer senior discounts..." This is good news for older adults.
Restaurants often offer senior citizens specials at certain times of the day (such as an “early bird” discount), but there are also special deals about which few senior are aware. Fast food restaurants also offer bargain prices on certain items that can add up to big money-savers over time. Here are some discounts seniors have found.
Call or ask in advance at any restaurant to check individual policies. It is difficult to find any information on corporate websites, as many chain restaurants make their own policies.
National Restaurants that offer Senior Discounts
- Burger King usually gives discounted or free drinks
- Taco Bell gives free drinks
- Pizza Hut gives 10% off
- Wendy's usually gives 10% off and occasionally will give free drinks
- Fast-food restaurant Chick-fil-A offers seniors a free small drink upon request
- Hardee's offers seniors a small drink for 35 cents, with the purchase of additional meal items
- At Krispy Kreme a 10% discount starts at age 50
- Denny’s restaurants offer free meals to anyone on his or her birthday.
- Applebee's restaurants offer a Golden Apple Card at age 55. Present it for deals and discounts .
- Souplantation or Sweet Tomatoes offer a 10% senior discount to those over 60 on their buffet style meals, thought this may vary by location
- Bennigan's restaurants offer a 10% discount on all items
Other retailers that offer discounts:
- Ross – 10% discount every Tuesday
- Dress Barn – 10% discount
- Kohl’s – 15% discount on select Wednesdays
- SteinMart – 20% off red dot items and clearance items on the first Monday each month
- Big Lots – 10% discount
- Goodwill and Salvation Army (10-15% depending on the day/location)
- AMC, Regal and Harkins theatres offer up to a 30% discount on movie tickets
- Bally Total Fitness offers a substantial discount for senior gym rats
- Baby boomer fun-seekers should ask about discounts when visiting Disneyland, SeaWorld and all U.S. National Parks
- The New York Mets and Yankees even offer discounts on select game days to seniors!
- Verizon, AT&T and Jitterbug offer discounts on cell phone service for seniors
- Seniors can get a haircut at Great Clips, Fantastic Sams and Super Cuts for a few bucks less than the youngsters
- Walgreens provides weekly specials for AARP members
- Enchantments Salon and Day Spa in Phoenix offers 10% off services on Tuesdays
- Pep Boys (10%) This website lets you put in your local city and see what discounts are offered along with the restaurants contact information and a map. It even lists restaurants that have been contacted and don't offer discounts. There are many pages of restaurants that haven't been contacted yet so no information is available - but at least you can get the restaurants contact info and can call yourself. If you do find a discount on one of the "not yet contacted" paghes, be sure and send sciddy an email with the info. Yay!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Slow Mosey 2012 - June 18 to July 16
I left my home in Pawhuska, OK on June 18th. If all goes as planned I won't be back there until December.
I had the utilities turned off but left my deposits so when I return all I have to do is turn them back on.
My first stop was going to be one of my favorite Rest Areas on I-40 between Little Rock and Memphis. But, I wasn't really sleepy so I decided to drive a little further.
I ended up sleeping (?) at a Wal Mart just on the North East side of Memphis. On this trip to Tumbling Creek Campground near Ducktown TN, I decided to go through Nashville. It seems out of the way, but compared to the road I usually take (Highway 72 from Memphis to Decatur, AL, up through Chattanooga, TN then over to Ducktown, TN) Mapquest said it was less than 30 miles further but quicker.
Since I was wanting to get there ASAP I bit the bullet and stayed on the Interstate.
It was an OK ride. Just what is expected from driving on a 70mph road, lots of trucks and places to get gas and eat.
I doubt I'll take this route again, I just enjoy the southern route more.
I left my home in Pawhuska, OK on June 18th. If all goes as planned I won't be back there until December.
I had the utilities turned off but left my deposits so when I return all I have to do is turn them back on.
My first stop was going to be one of my favorite Rest Areas on I-40 between Little Rock and Memphis. But, I wasn't really sleepy so I decided to drive a little further.
I ended up sleeping (?) at a Wal Mart just on the North East side of Memphis. On this trip to Tumbling Creek Campground near Ducktown TN, I decided to go through Nashville. It seems out of the way, but compared to the road I usually take (Highway 72 from Memphis to Decatur, AL, up through Chattanooga, TN then over to Ducktown, TN) Mapquest said it was less than 30 miles further but quicker.
Since I was wanting to get there ASAP I bit the bullet and stayed on the Interstate.
It was an OK ride. Just what is expected from driving on a 70mph road, lots of trucks and places to get gas and eat.
I doubt I'll take this route again, I just enjoy the southern route more.
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